Spread good vibes
The Welko Academy for Luta Livre was launched with the aim to promote politics free projects which help the global development of the style of Luta Livre. The academy operates independently and according to its own beliefs, values, norms and standards.
Seminar series
Share the knowledge - Share the message
The seminar series are held in various locations and designed for a more deeper and detailed study and understanding of Luta Livre specific topics in an very relaxed atmosphere and in an environment free from politics and egos.

Belts program
The pathway to the black belt
You want to get ready for the next belt? The pathway program were exclusively designed with contents, which are continually being augmented and updated in order to prepare our members thoroughly for their next belt promotion, according to the newest standards of our belts requirements and grading syllabus.
International training camps
Share the knowledge - Share the message
The international training camps of several days' duration are organized in cooperation with gym partners and designed to support the international development of Luta Livre in an very relaxed atmosphere and in an environment free from politics and egos.

Luta Livre on the road
Roaming and enjoying the very moment
Luta Livre on the road is a series of an unique adventure project of the Welko Academy to spread Luta Livre around the world, traveling from place to place, training outdoor, visiting martial arts gyms and teams, sharing knowledge and enjoying the very moment.